Welcome To Welshpool High School

Raising Achievement By Raising Expectations

An Estyn 'Good' School

Offering A Broad & Balanced Curriculum Full Of Opportunities

A Message From The Headteacher

I am immensely proud to be the Headteacher of Welshpool High School.

Every day I have a genuine feeling of excitement about being able to see our learners flourish and grow through the outstanding learning experiences that they take part in. I also take great pleasure in talking with learners both in lessons and in social time to constantly assess their mood and plan future developments in the school.

The positive outcomes that our learners achieve in their examinations is testimony to their hard work, the support of their families and carers, and also the dedication of the fabulous staff in the school.

We use the phrase ‘Raising Achievement by Raising Expectations’ in school all the time. We place a high value on the work ethic, manners and politeness of all learners and we expect them to play a positive part in our school community.

It is important to me that students have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, and I can often be found watching from the sidelines as our school teams take part in sports fixtures, or in the front row as we host another musical event.

There is palpable optimism in our school and its community. A feeling that we are part of a successful and welcoming team.

 Mr Jon Arnold – Headteacher


As you are aware, we operate a first day calling system for pupils that are absent.

Please telephone the absence line, which will record a message 24 hours a day. If, for any reason, you cannot get through to the absence line, then please leave a message with the school office. The numbers you require are:

24-hour Absence Line: 01938 554 119
Attendance Office: 01938 552 014 (option 4)
School Office: 01938 552 014 (option 5)

Extra Curricular Activities

At Welshpool High School we want all our pupils to have a rich and rewarding learning experience. We want our pupils to develop fully their talents and interests and to be able to demonstrate a broad range of interests and achievements.

The purpose of out Enhancement and Enrichment Programme is not only to support academic progress,; it is also to give students opportunities to learn and explore beyond the classroom, developing new friendships across their year groups.

You can find details of the Enhancement and Enrichment Programme by the using the link below:

Enhancement and Enrichment

Our Latest News

You need to make sure you get your online application in quickly by visiting visit our SIXTH FORM page for more information

Here is a the Christmas edition of our latest SCHOOL BULLETIN – 20th December 2024 

Please click on Friends of Welshpool High School to find out more.






Follow us on Twitter @wpoolhs

Sixth Form

We are proud to have a thriving Sixth Form at Welshpool High School. Every October we have our Open Evening when we open the school to prospective sixth form students.

Visitors are able to speak to staff and students about the courses on offer and to view the facilities we have.

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Year 6 Transition

Moving from year 6 into year 7 can seem incredibly daunting. Our year 6 Open Evening is held annually and gives parents and students an introduction to our school and the subjects that we offer.

View our latest Prospectus and find out all about our year 6 transition.


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Our students are ambassadors for our school and are expected to dress and behave in a way that reflects the standards that we seek to achieve.

All uniform can be purchased online from Constructiv. Click the button below for more information about our uniform requirements including our PE Kit.

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