School Council

Student Council

Our Student Council consists of elected representatives from each tutor group in years7-11 and the Sixth Form Leadership team. Our aim is to ensure that the voice of our learners is clearly heard in the decision-making process in Welshpool High School. Each year we establish our priorities and work towards fulfilling these goals. We also regularly meet with members of the Governing body and the LA, as well as other visitors from outside school.

Student Council Priorities

· To maintain the high-profile of mental health and wellbeing for students in school.

· To provide peer support for younger students.

· To encourage greater understanding and respect for our LGBTQ+ students.

· To have systems in place to recognise and reward positive behaviour in school.

· To promote the UNCRC and the rights that all children and young people should have access to.

Why Do We Have a Student Council?

Our Student Council reflects the rights that all children and young people should have, according to the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Most importantly, it gives our learners a clear and well-established voice in school. Other reasons for having our council include:

· Improved motivation for learning by having ownership of how we learn

· Better relationships between peers and between staff and pupils

· Offering the chance for pupils to be involved in decision making

· Promoting positive personal and social skills

· Promoting active citizenship

· Benefiting the School community by encouraging engagement with learning and school life

· Improving attendance and attainment.

Student Council Activities

The Student Council meets on a monthly basis, with representatives feeding back on issues that have been discussed in form groups, or on work that has been done with visitors to school. We also discuss what has been done to work towards fulfilling our priorities, for example Peer Mentor training. The Council will also meet with the Headteacher and Governors on a regular basis to discuss achievement, behaviour and areas for development. Student Council members may also be part of other pupil groups such as:

· Eco-Group

· eSafety Group

· SNAG (School Nutrition Action Group)

These groups meet separately and feedback to the whole Council following meetings.

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