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Raising Achievement By Raising Expectations | Codi Cyrhaeddiad Trwy Godi Disgwyliadau

Enrichment & Enhancement

At Welshpool High School we want all our pupils to have a rich and rewarding learning experience. We want our pupils to develop fully their talents and interests and to be able to demonstrate a broad range of interests and achievements. We are delighted to publicise our latest Enhancement and Enrichment Programme. The purpose of this programme is not only to support academic progress,; it is also to give students opportunities to learn and explore beyond the classroom, developing new friendships across their year groups.

You can find details of the Enhancement and Enrichment Programme on the using the link below.  To make it easier the enrichment and enhancement activities are split into year groups.


A wide range of other enrichment activities are undertaken in school.  Our pupils are given the opportunity to participate in Salter’s Festival of Chemistry, a Chemistry competition in Aberystwyth University. Pupils have also participated in Magistrates in the Community Programme.

In English pupils have an enhanced curriculum with visits from authors, the paired reading scheme and creative writing workshops.

Our Sixth Formers are given opportunities to participate in a range of programmes and activities for example The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, The Community Sports Leaders Award, Paired Maths Programme, Paired Reading, Literacy Competition/KS3 Book Club and Learning Support Science Club.

Sporting achievement is celebrated and pupils are encouraged to participate in extra curricular sports clubs etc. The achievements of our Sporting Elite are also celebrated in school.

Enquiry days have been introduced into the broader curriculum to help develop student thinking and problem solving skills, and to increase opportunities for extended project and group work. Year 7 have an annual visit from the Bionic Ear Show.

We have an annual Careers Convention is school which gives pupils opportunities to meet with Sixth form colleges, universities and potential employers and gain valuable information to guide them and to raise their career aspirations. We regularly have talks for other career opportunities such as those offered by The Army and The Royal Navy.

Year 11 pupils are also given the opportunity to participate in the Learning Game where a guest speaker comes into school to speak to them about revision techniques and motivation for their GCSE examinations. An annual careers convention is held in Theatre Clera at Welshpool High School providing pupils with valuable information to guide and raise career aspirations.

The Maths Department regularly participates in the UK Maths Challenges at all levels.

Achievement Evening involves students from Year 8 to Year 13, this is an annual event where we celebrate the academic achievements from the last twelve months.

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