Curriculum For Wales

Ysgol Uwchradd Y Trallwng

Curriculum for Wales Summary

Welshpool High School

Our curriculum has been co-constructed by engaging with stakeholders to develop a vision that reflects the ethos of Welshpool High School ‘Raising Achievement By Raising Expectations’.

Putting Pupils at the Heart of our Curriculum Journey

The pupil’s vision of the qualities, skills and knowledge they felt they should have by the time they left school was the bedrock we used to build our curriculum:

Our Vision and the Four Purposes

Our vision is to empower pupils to be their best. With curriculum change, we will ensure that the four purposes are at the heart of everything we do. We want our learners to transfer their thinking to new and unfamiliar situations so that by the time they leave school, they have the necessary skills to overcome everyday challenges.


Ambitious capable learners who can communicate effectively and use digital technologies to do so. Be numerate and financially literate. Aim high and develop skills to be resilient and ready to face challenges.

Enterprising, creative contributors able to work independently and as a member of a team, grasping new opportunities and challenges to succeed.

Ethical, informed citizens showing respect to others by being polite, helpful and kind. Be proud to be Welsh whilst embracing other cultures, beliefs and the environment.

Healthy, confident individuals forming positive relationships and taking part in activities that improve wellbeing and health.

Regardless of interest or ability, our curriculum is inclusive and ensures all pupils can learn, make progress and thrive.

The Statements of What Matters

Our curriculum provides rich opportunities and authentic experiences to develop the key concepts, knowledge and skills as outlined in the Statements of What Matters Code.

Learning, Progression and Assessment

All pupils are supported in their learning by providing them with opportunities that draw on the Pedagogical Principles. High quality first wave teaching, combined with targeted interventions, enable our pupils to make strong progress in their learning, including progression in key skills over time. High level planning within our cluster of schools has been fundamental to developing this cohesive approach to progression through the learning continuum.

Our curriculum focuses on understanding what it means to make progress within and across different areas, deepening pupils’ knowledge and understanding, skills and capacities, and attributes and dispositions. It is informed by the Progression Code, which in turn supports our approach to assessment, recording and reporting.

Assessment focusses on the what and why of learning, how pupils are doing in that learning and their next steps needed to make progress. Pupils are actively involved in assessing their own progress e.g. through the sharing of learning intentions and success criteria. This progress is shared with parents and carers through regular communication.

Areas of Learning and Experience

The curriculum provides a broad and balanced range of learning experiences across each of the six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE). AoLE’s have created their own vision considering what they feel is important for the learners at Welshpool High School, including valuable aspects of ‘Cynefin’. These visions have informed curriculum planning to create a set of values which will drive forward a learning culture with the four purposes at its core.

Expressive Arts







Welsh and English Language

As an English medium school, learning will take place in Welsh and English from Year 7 onwards.

Cross Curricular Skills

Opportunities for the development of literacy, numeracy and digital skills are provided across the curriculum. Our curriculum encourages pupils to develop competence and capability in these key skills, providing opportunities for pupils to:

  • develop their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills
  • use numbers and solve problems in real life contexts
  • confidently use a range of technologies to help them function and communicate safely and effectively, and make sense of the world around them

Religion Values and Ethics (RVE)

RVE is a statutory requirement of the Curriculum for Wales and is mandatory for all learners aged 3 to 16. There is no parental right to request to withdraw their child from RVE.

As RVE is a locally determined subject, the agreed syllabus specifies what should be taught within the Local Authority, and our curriculum reflects this guidance.

Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

All schools in Wales are required to deliver RSE in their curriculum to pupils aged 3 to 16 years. RSE gives pupils the right to access information that keeps them safe from harm. This includes learning about healthy relationships, keeping safe online and offline, and being confident to raise issues with responsible adults.

RSE is critical to building a society that treats others with understanding and empathy, whatever their ethnicity, social economic background, disability, sex, gender, or sexuality.

Age appropriate RSE is delivered as a cross cutting theme throughout the curriculum, and by Heads of Year, members of the senior team, form tutors and outside speakers (the police, school nurse, etc.) during assemblies, events and RSE lessons.

Our RSE curriculum has been designed over several years through collaboration with a range of partners, including the pupils themselves. We adapt our curriculum in response to new and emerging issues that are impacting on the lives of young people.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)/United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

Our school promotes knowledge and understanding of Part 1 of the UNCRC, and of the UNCRPD.

Careers and Work Related Experiences (CWRE)

Opportunities for careers and work-related experiences are provided to all pupils inside and outside of our curriculum.

Review and Refinement

Our curriculum is reviewed and refined to effectively respond to the changing needs of the pupils, social contexts, and individual, local and global issues. This ensures that the curriculum remains inclusive, relevant and responsive.

The Governing Body of Welshpool High School has and will continue to take an active role in reviewing our curriculum, and has ratified it.

A summary of our curriculum and any subsequent changes will be published here.

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