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Tel: 01938 552014    Email: office@welshpool-hs.powys.sch.uk

Raising Achievement By Raising Expectations | Codi Cyrhaeddiad Trwy Godi Disgwyliadau


Dear Parents/Carers,

This is a reminder of the school’s Covid-19 protocols, which follows Welsh Government guidance.

  • Should your child receive a positive LFD test, please inform the NHS in the normal way and email: covid@welshpool-hs.powys.sch.uk which will notify the school.
  • School now has to track and trace your child’s ‘close contacts’ – this involves going back 48 hours from the positive result and tracking who has been in close proximity to your child. Please ask your child who their contacts were from Registration through to Period 6, and advise the school office accordingly on office@welshpool-hs.powys.sch.uk or 01938 552 014.
  • If your child travels on the school bus, ‘close contacts’ will again need to be tracked and traced, therefore please follow the advice detailed above.
  • If your child has been identified as a ‘close contact’ of a Covid-19 case, and has received a Warn and Inform letter from school, then they can continue to attend school provided that they remain well. Your child should take a LFT every day (unless you cannot conduct a LFT for medical reasons) for 7 days or until 10 days since your last contact with the person who tested positive for Covid-19 if this is earlier.

It would be advisable to check the updated guidance on Covid-19 and isolation protocols which can be found on the Welsh government website: www.gov.wales. We would like to share the chart below, taken from the guidance, which will clarify how the 5-day isolation works following a positive test result:

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